
Trumps Dream Course

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: In what ways can Project Possible at my school develop a collaborative culture characterized by teachers from different grade levels communicating, understanding, and sharing expectations for all our students?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Create a list of questions to answer when shadowing students on what they do on a daily basis.

James Jenkins will conduct the list of questions.  Site Supervisor Dr. West will approve questions.
Aug. 2013 - June 2014
Computer, Internet Access, Microsoft Word
Questions will be approved and finalized by Site Supervisor to use for student shadowing
Create opportunities for Media to become involved.

James Jenkins will meet with other A.P.’s, Learning Leaders, & Staff.
Aug. 2013 – June 2014
Local TV Stations, City-wide Student Sponsors, Internet school sponsors
To have our community see that the media is reaching out to students and parents to help them realize the importance of attending school.
Create competitions and incentives for students who can show the school why coming to school is important.

James Jenkins will meet with Site Supervisor and one A.P.
June 2013 – June 2014
Survey Monkey Questions, Questionnaires, Computers, Internet
For students to believe in the system and to create competitive opportunities and receive incentives for coming to school.
Adopting students with difficult situations and reasons why they don’t come to school.

James Jenkins will meet with Site Supervisor and one A.P.
Aug. 2013 – June 2014
Computers, Internet, Questionnaires, Attendance Reports, Discipline Reports, Counselors
For students who are having trouble in school to have a mentor or some sort of supportive group.
Create a way for teachers to understand the attendance codes to help them understand what they mean.

James Jenkins will meet with A.P. and head attendance clerk.
June 2013 – Oct. 2013
Computers, Attendance Clerks, Skyward Attendance Software, Coded Information, Email,
To better understand for the teachers on what the attendance codes are and how students at the school are coded.
Create a way for teachers & staff to receive incentives at school.

James Jenkins will conduct meetings with one A.P. and Site Supervisor.
June 2013 – June 2014
Survey Monkey Questions, Internet, Computers
For teachers to be rewarded for their hard work at school.
Create ways for student recognition for attendance and grades.

James Jenkins will meet with counselors and site supervisor.
June 2013 – June 2014
Internet, Computers, Survey Monkey Questions
Communicate with Counselors and report any information from the internet and incorporate the findings into a system at school.
Create ways for our 0 & 9th hours to be productive for students who need improvement for test taking.

James Jenkins will meet with Learning Leaders and Site Supervisor.
June 2013 – June 2014
Computers, Internet, Survey Monkey Questionnaires, Community Outreach
Record as much information on student retention and incorporate those into our 0 & 9th hour system and to have local speakers come into classes and talk about importance of education.
Create ideas of making EOC Prep classes on Saturdays better for student improvement.

James Jenkins will meet with Learning Leaders from school.
June 2013 – June 2014
Computers, Internet, Survey Monkey Questionnaires, Community Outreach
To have students realize the importance of EOC Prep and understand why extra test prep help will pay dividends for them.

I would like some feedback if anyone interested.  Thanks.


  1. I think attendance is a huge problem in most schools. I do think research into why they are missing so much might be the most beneficial step in this process. I deal with our attendance and it seems there always some that for whatever reason have no interest in attending and no concern for whatever the consequences may be. Many can dig a deep enough whole as underclassmen that when they finally do get serious they have made things very difficult for themselves.

  2. Your plan looks really good. I like the incentive program for students and teachers. 0 and 9th hour are important so it is good that you are looking at how to improve them.

  3. James,
    Creating a positive campus culture is very important. I can say that I used to be at a school where I was able to see the culture of the campus grow. It was a snowball effect and it really seemed like teachers and students wanted to be at school. I really would like to see the outcome of your research plan.

  4. Your plan looks great James! I would really like to see how to develop a positive campus culture!

  5. James, Thanks for commenting on my research plan. I like what you did here. I think improving school culture is an important mission that often gets overlooked. My school began a program last year in which teachers anonymously nominate students who are postive influences/role models in the classroom. Once all the nominations have been collected, our principal announces the names over the loud speaker and invites the nominated students to an extended catered lunch. Needless to say, the students love the reward and the teachers really enjoy recognizing students who make their job easier. Furthermore, since the inception of this program, reported bullying issues have decreased.

  6. James,
    I was in a school where each principal/teacher was assigned students to adopt, it worked great and the students really like having a teacher they could go to. I am interested to see what you find about making zero hour and 9th hour more productive since my school also struggles with these. I love the idea of teacher incentives; sometimes our hard work goes unnoticed. I also like your idea of EOC classes on Saturday. You seem well on your way to running a great school. Keep up the good work.

  7. Attendance is a huge issue at my school as well. We make a big deal out of it. The principal announces the attendance each morning by grade and everyone is always anxious to see which grade won the attendance for the day. I think incentives is an awesome idea. Good luck on your research.
